If you still want to use one of those atleast use them in the MIDDLE between your Router and the Computer using it. These guys mostly cause more trouble and extend the bad signal they get. If you still have a bad connection dont use WiFi-Extending-Shitunits and better use an Accespoint and lay a long cable properly once instead of the hazzle of always resetting and repositioning the extenders. Doesnt matter when you have a small 55 m² apartment like i do, but if you have connection problems over a longer distance you can probably solve the problem by doing what i mentioned above. Done.Įdit2: Its because the WiFis interfere with each other and get slower exponentially the further you are away from the router, because the relatively stronger signals from the other router interfere your signal. You download the app WiFi analyzer on your phone, check out which channels are super full, then you go to your routers wireless settings, change the channel to manual and choose a channel which no other WiFi networks.